Isnin, 5 September 2011

mereka celebrate...aku ambik gambar...: Hungry ghost festival

Ermm...dah agak lama aku tak menulis dalam blog nih...
dalam fb pun sama..agak susah untuk aku luangkan masa sepanjang ramadhan yang lepas...
memang aku tak punya cukup masa....buat apa???
bukan shopping atau buat kuih pun..
tapi alhamdulillah...aku sibuk dengan aktiviti2 dengan fakir miskin....
kalau berkesempatan akan aku upload gambar2 aktiviti tu kat sini...

masa ramadhan hari tu mesti ada antara kita nampak satu festival yang orang2 cina sambut kan??
tapi mungkin ramai yang tak tahu dan rase betapa tak pentingnya untuk kita ambik tahu kan???
meh aku citer sikit.....tahu banyak tu tidak ler tapi sebab aku ada gak belajar pasal perbandingan agama nih so, sikit sebanyak tu aku tahu ler jugak...

Kalau kita perasan,.....umat islam sambut sebulan ramadhan dengan membuat ibadah puasa menunjukkan taqwa mereka kepada Allah tapi masyarakat cina pula menyambut "Hungry Ghost Festival" iaitu pesta menghalau hantu selama sebulan jugak.

Bukan ke syaitan yang sebenar dah diikat dan dirantai kaki dan tangan mereka supaya manusia yang beriman mudah melaksanakan ibadah puasa dan ibadah yang lain. Yang tidak dirantai ialah syaitan dari kalangan manusia yang mencuri motor dan kereta ketika orang islam sedang solat tarawikh.

Betapa hebat Allah merancang hidup manusia. Ada yang beriman dan ada yang tidak.
Semoga Allah memberikan hidayahNya kepada semua manusia tak kira bangsa dan etnik.

Apa itu Ghost Festival?? Sila baca artikel di bawah:


Ghost Festival

The Ghost Festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival and holiday celebrated by Chinese in many countries. In the Chinese calendar (a lunisolar calendar), the Ghost Festival is on the 15th night of the seventh lunar month (14th in southern China).

In Chinese tradition, the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month (鬼月), in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm. Distinct from both the Qingming Festival (in Spring) and Chung Yeung Festival (in Autumn) in which living descendants pay homage to their deceased ancestors, on Ghost Day, the deceased are believed to visit the living.

On the fifteenth day the realms of Heaven and Hell and the realm of the living are open and both Taoists and Buddhists would perform rituals to transmute and absolve the sufferings of the deceased. Intrinsic to the Ghost Month is ancestor worship, where traditionally the filial piety of descendants extends to their ancestors even after their deaths. Activities during the month would include preparing ritualistic food offerings, burning incense, and burning joss paper, a papier-mâché form of material items such as clothes, gold and other fine goods for the visiting spirits of the ancestors. Elaborate meals (often vegetarian meals) would be served with empty seats for each of the deceased in the family treating the deceased as if they are still living. Ancestor worship is what distinguishes Qingming Festival from Ghost Festival because the latter includes paying respects to all deceased, including the same and younger generations, while the former only includes older generations. Other festivities may include, buying and releasing miniature paper boats and lanterns on water, which signifies giving directions to the lost ghosts and spirits of the ancestors and other deities.

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